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James Dooley SEO - Digital Landlord Lead Generation Entrepreneur in Ardendrain

James Dooley never started out on his journey to become a digital landlord in Ardendrain or even learn the trade of SEO.

As the founder of PromoSEO he now owns over 25,000,000 digital real estate assets on the internet.

We questioned James Dooley on his journey to being the biggest UK digital real estate owner in the United Kingdom.

In this interview with the digital entrepreneur James Dooley, we hold nothing back on trying to get all the knowledge bombs on having a huge collection of online properties like affiliates sites, rank and rent websites, lead generation websites, brandable domains to large social media platforms.

Where To Find James Z Dooley Online

Here are some of the places you can find James Z Dooley online:

Be sure to check out his digital nomad life lessons blog he regularly updates with his real-life experiences and mindset tips.

James Dooley SEO Interview

Here are all the questions and answers related to Digital Real Estate and being a Digital Landlord by James Dooley SEO.

What made you want to become a digital landlord?

I didn’t set out to become a digital landlord – but I knew owning the assets was the important bit to keeping control from having amazing mentors and attending private masterminds.

What training did you do to learn how to be a digital landlord?

A decade of testing Google’s algorithm. To be a successful digital landlord you need a holistic digital marketing approach. The main trade you need to master though is SEO which stands for search engine optimisation.

What do you feel it takes to be a successful digital landlord?

Persistence, persistence and more persistence. To be good at ranking websites you need to test a lot of SEO myths. The majority of online courses or strategies are out of date or just utterly incorrect. The best SEOs have a team that adapts their strategies niche by niche. What might work in one industry might not in another

What have you found challenging during your time as a digital landlord?

Setting up the systems so the business is system-dependent and not people dependent. If you read the book “E-Myth Revisited” it will change the way you run your company. But it’s a mindset shift that you need to adapt in short term it’ll take you longer to set up and implement. It’s a case of taking one step back before jumping 100 steps forward.

What do you find most rewarding about your role as a digital landlord?

Our clients have got to make an ROI or we don’t charge rent. Our team need to dive deep into what keywords really make the customers profit and having a bunch of happy clients that are successful is so rewarding as the conversations with customers are always positive.

How has working as part of a team helped your growth as a digital landlord?

Without my team I am zero. My team set up, improve and enhance all the systems to help grow the digital real estate. What I love about my team is they have an unreal work ethic to improve every single day. They embrace criticism and strive to be a better person everyday. Without the team the growth of digital real estate would not of been practical.

Your Thoughts on Promoting Dan Grant From SEO Apprentice To Director?

Dan Grant has worked with James Z Dooley for nearly a decade and grown together as part of a team learning and developing their SEO skills.

Check out the video on how Dan Grant has developed from an SEO Apprentice to director at PromoSEO:

What are the qualities you look for when employing new staff?

Ambition, politeness, educated and I try to find out what makes them happy. A happy member of staff is motivated, fun to be around and will go the extra mile to make things work. Hard work beats out talent, when talent doesn’t work hard.

How important do you feel perseverance is in the process of growing digital assets?

The most important part. I could of quit a million times. You win or you learn in this game. There’s no such thing as failure. Or if there is I have failed 50 times a day for the last 5 years. Having that persistence and perseverance is what really separates the truly successful entrepreneurs. I love the state “97 percent of people quit too soon and are employed by the 3 percent who never gave up”

What advice would you give a young entrepreneur looking to become a digital landlord?

Rome wasn’t built in a day. Learn your trade and take baby steps to your end goals. Dream big but have continuous improvement. The kaizen philosophy implies that small, incremental changes routinely applied and sustained over a long period result in significant improvements.

Is there anything you wish you could tell you former self about your digital landlord career path?

It’s 100x harder than you think it’ll be. Don’t read the 4 hour work week and think right I wanna be an entrepreneur and do 4 hours a week. If you want true success you need to be ready to put the time, energy, research in and have that mental power to keep moving forward even when you feel things are not performing well. The biggest mindset tip il give is to set goals way bigger than your wildest dreams – but break those goals down into micro steps and everytime you manage to achieve that next small progression then celebrate that achievement. As it makes you love the journey during your growth.


The honesty in the interview on the journey to being the Largest UK Digital Real Estate Owner is very humble.

It is great to hear about the rollercoaster ride and the volume of failures you have to experience on the upward trend.

Too many interviews surrounding SEO or case studies are made out to get rich quick schemes so it’s nice to hear it can be a bumpy ride.


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